Conversations with Good Humans

Bonus Episode- How Kevin Freidberg Gets a High Conversion Rate

Catherine Brown Episode 23

Our first Bonus Episode! My Podcast Producer, Jolly Dixon, joins me to talk about our big take-aways from Episode 21's conversation with my friend Kevin Freidberg. If you haven't heard that conversation yet, This Cliff's Notes version is a great introduction and you'll get to meet Jolly. Listeners will be inspired by the way Kevin communicates with his prospects and will be inspired to think creatively about their own outreach. Follow Kevin and subscribe to his daily email at his website below.

Mentioned in this episode:
Episode 21
Kevin Freidberg on LinkedIn
7-Second Websites
Catherine on LinkedIn

Music composed and arranged by Luke Brown. Find him on TikTok @lukasaftermidnight

Jolly how fun to do our bonus episode. That's our first ever bonus episode, because we've been talking about how we re-listen to our own podcast. We listen to the lessons of what people have shared with us, and it occurred to us that it might be cool to share back with our audience. The lessons that we are incorporating as a company.

So before we get too far into that discussion, let me make sure everyone knows you. You are so important to the company and often behind the scenes. So people might not know Jolly Dixon, who is our podcast, producer, copywriter friend. Extraordinary. We've worked together for years. That's right. Welcome to welcome to the bonus episode.

Thank you so much for having me on it's. Um, my first podcast ever, so that's cool.  

yeah. Jolly is jolly is my secret sauce. So, um, I shouldn't have even said that. I shouldn't encourage people to go try to grab you cuz you're just so amazing. Jolly. As well as all my staff know all the principles of extra bold sales, all of the content of how good humans sell.

We've worked on these things together for years. And so when you are producing the podcast, Jolly you're, you're, things are jumping out at you. Right? And so you and I had this conversation about. What Kevin Freidberg in episode 21. That's what we wanna talk about today is Kevin's episode. Yeah. What he did with the value prop.

Right? What, what, what were your thoughts about that? 

Oh, it's amazing how much we learn from our own podcast guests. It's so cool. What's amazing about Kevin is that he has. Been a part of ExtraBold classes he's worked with you and he's doing something so different from what you've taught that. Yeah. Just kinda blow your mind.

it is. And, and I think it's cool for our listeners to know. So we're talking about the value proposition. The value proposition is the two or three. Construction that we have people build. We tell people probably if you sell something complicated in business to business, which most of our clients are B2B services or B2B product companies.

And they have multiple types of buyers and they sell multiple things. So you're gonna have a lot of value propositions, right? It's not that you just have one. But the way we teach people to write it where the first sentence is about the person you're going to serve and making sure that you make them the center of the story.

That's what we mean by value proposition. We actually have a specific construction. About how we teach people to do it and why, and jolly you put this in our weekly emails, our social posts. We always lead with that first sentence being about who we serve. So maybe we should say just a couple more things about that before we talk about then what Kevin did with it.

That was so interesting to 

us. Well, and that's, what's so fascinating is that's really the bedrock of communicating with your buyers. That value prop can be used across social media, daily emails. Like you said, it is something that Kevin hasn't even turned away from, you know? Yeah. It's something that he uses and he uses that bedrock of a solid value proposition to really reach people in a way that is unique.

Right. So for those that missed episode 21, we're gonna give you. The Cliff's notes version and go listen to it because I think it's only 30 minutes. It's not even a very long episode and you'll hear exactly his walkthrough of how he does campaigns, but the short version here that we want to highlight, that's so interesting to us is that he's turned this sentence of how he helps who he helps.

And he's using LinkedIn. He picks people through LinkedIn sales navigator and he does an InMail message. Two prospects and says, would you like to do a 30 minute call? So they're, they're not warm leads in the way that we would call warm leads because they're not expecting to hear from him. And they did not raise their hand toward him.

That does not mean they're not semi qualified. He has figured out what industries to serve. He's very specific in his outreach. He's not blanketing all kinds of people. He talks through how he's niched down into a market and figured out who buys from him. So all those are in that longer episode, those are all lessons worth capturing.

The part I wanna highlight that I think is so funny that we have been talking about behind the scenes. Yes. Is that he doesn't do a lot, the things that I've advised  and, and, and yet I think he is just such a good human and is being so successful that we really wanna bring attention to him about that because we learn and we grow too as a company and specifically what he does that I don't advise.

He's getting on the phone and offering a full 30 minute call where he is giving away free consulting to demonstrate how his copywriting skills can help people. And I just think that's very high stakes, right? Jolly, like you help me write lots of stuff that says be careful about how much you give away in your time versus your content marketing.


right. And we've been super protective of that time is, is something you just can't get back. 

Right. Right. Kind of raising the whole issue of scarcity. Like there's something for me to work on. Do I, what is my deal about that? Like, I'm very hesitant to give a full 30 minutes. If something doesn't feel pretty qualified.

I mean, I don't give friends 30 minutes, but I don't wanna give away 30 minutes of consulting. If the person hasn't initiated with me basically, and Kevin has really taken a different approach. So he gives us 30 minute call. He shows how he can tweak their LinkedIn about section and headline to making at least 10% better is what he says.

And. You remember the stat that, of how many people he talks to, to who converts and buys from him? Yeah, he 

said nearly 40% convert, which is shocking to me. It sounds like such a big risk to take that time. 

40%. Yeah. I don't know anything. Except client referrals. Who come that come in to us, I probably close more than half of those.

We track that number. I can go back and look at that number. I have a high, high, high close rate from that. Cause some referrals, even when we talk, I think, oh, I see why someone sent you to me, but I still know that someone else is the next best person. It's not really me or it's not, it's not time yet or something like that.

So I don't, I don't even close all of those. Right. Cuz sometimes that's not the right thing to do. 40% are buying and entering and becoming a client. And then he's upselling other things to them. Website services, other kinds of copywriting service and entering a relationship with them. I just wanna call him out and say good on you.

I think it's astonishing. 

I love that he took what he knows to be good sales practices and made it work for him. That's that's awesome. A good human thing to. 

That's I know, and it makes me feel so good cuz you and I are always talking about how we want people to learn principles and then have some feel free to apply them.

We don't like to have a, a one size fits all thing. And so I think Kevin would say he's been at it for a couple years. Figuring out his own style and hitting his stride. And so I know he would say that if he were here, he'd say be encouraged entrepreneurs, be en you know, be encouraged first time sellers.

It'll take a while to figure it out, but man, when you figure it out, what works for you, it's just so magical. 

Yeah, so good. So good. I mean, we have a huge open rate on our emails. I think 50 to some we've some, we've hit 60% open rate on our emails before, but we don't have that kind of conversion right on those emails.

I know I'm very inspired. I mean, I, and, and, and curious about what I could do. What I could do and what we could do to level up, because that's a, that's a real high bar. I I'll be so curious if anyone's listening to this and maybe they know more about digital advertising than we do, or maybe there's other marketing tactics that I'm just literally not aware of.

I'd be very curious if anyone can come close to touching that number from back from my cold calling days and all of those other metrics I've memorized. I just think he used to be commended. So it's what we wanted to do was say. How cool that he's taken, what he learned and done something a little bit different.

And also we want people to follow him. That was the other point of this was that as we, if we decide someone is worthy of a bonus episode, because we're still talking about it, then we really wanna make sure our followers follow people that we think are great too. And so let's be sure to talk about that.

Oh, yeah. Kevin has a really great daily email. That's super short. And if you can, um, if you get on his website, seven second websites, it's the number seven. If you scroll all the way down, you can sign up for his. Daily emails and they are short. They are sweet. And they're full of amazing stuff from Kevin.

Catherine, you  subscribe don't you? 

I do. And I read it, uh, if he looked at my open rates, my open rates, probably high thirties, high forties, which I think pretty good since he sends it every day. Like, I don't read it every day, but I read it many, many, many days. I've also heard other people. I heard him interviewed on another podcast.

They were kidding about how Kevin's style sometimes feels a little bit like a haiku   so it's, it's, it's interesting, even, I think it's something for people to follow and watch because there's even something to the way he does his spacing and the graphic design of it. And it's, it's very interesting and definitely worthy of a follow for a period of time to get your own creative juices flowing.

Plus he has a lot of value that he gives away in it. 

He really does. He really does. Everyone should go to his website and check that out. 

So that's seven second websites and it's Kevin Freidberg, he's real active on LinkedIn. He can connect to me to find him through my contact. If you have any trouble, you know, finding him or connecting and we'll have information in the show notes, Dolly, anything else we wanna be sure to say about why we think we should, people should go back and listen to that episode?

I, I 

think that we have given. Multiple reasons to go back and they should have no excuses.  

and it's episode number 21. We were just saying, I can't believe we've done over 20 episodes. So I feel like we just got started. And so thank you for that because you are the one making this happen. It's been a lot of fun.

Cool. Okay. Talk to you next time. Bye. I'm so glad you joined us today. If you would like me to come and speak with your organization about how to sell like a good human. Please contact me through the website. How good humans