Conversations with Good Humans

Tuesday Tip 10- A in B.E.A.R- Action

Catherine Brown Episode 22

We've made it to the A in B.E.A.R.! The A is for Action which is what a lot of salespeople really want to know about. We sometimes believe that if someone just tells us their steps and exactly what to say, we'll be successful. In this episode, you'll learn there's a little more to it than that and you'll be inspired to take action for yourself.

Music composed and arranged by Luke Brown. Find him on TikTok @lukasaftermidnight

Need a reminder of where we've been? Here are the B.E.A.R. episode numbers. Scroll back and find the ones you've missed or refresh your memory: 

12 Tuesday Tips 5- The B in B.E.A.R.
14 Tuesday Tips 6- B in B.E.A.R. pt 2- Deservingness
16 Tuesday Tip 7- E in B.E.A.R.- Notice and Name
18 Tuesday Tip 8- E in BEAR- Priming
20 Tuesday Tips 9 E in B.E.A.R.- Emotions

Mentioned in this episode:

Tuesday Tip 10- A in B.E.A.R.- Action


Do you think sales is a bad word? When you hear the word sales, I wonder what imagescome to mind, whatever your relationship is with selling. I'm glad you're here. Let's have aconversation about how to sell like a good human. Hi, welcome to conversations withgood humans. I'm your host, Catherine Brown and I'm author of the book called how goodhumans sell.

We're continuing in the bear model. Remember that B is for beliefs. E is emotions a isaction. And R is for results. That's a model of human behavior that teaches us how peoplewill often act and get the results from their actions coming out of whatever they believe istrue. I've been talking about the bear model for the Tuesday tips portion of my podcast fora little while now and now we're moving into the a for action.

The word action is from the Latin actio. Which is meaning to do. So we're about to moveinto what do I need to do to sell a lot of people who take sales training. They want to showup and have me say, say this, don't say this. Here's how you qualify. Here's how you get adiscovery meeting. Here's how you have a strong call to action.

Here's how you, how you negotiate. People want things like that. I do teach those things.Those things are important, but before we move into some of those specific suggestions, Iwanna talk about a foundational principle in selling that I think is not talked about oftenenough. And like I said, I share many other tips that I'll eventually get to, but we have tobuild our house on a strong foundation.

And this strong foundation first is beliefs. It's asking yourself what you're believing is trueabout today, about the current state of your sales pipeline, about the work you're about todo, right? You want to slow down, you wanna take a breath, you wanna notice how you'refeeling. Are you feeling anxious, you feeling excited about the call.

Are you ready to do your revenue generating activities or you feel. Dread about them, sortof take your temperature check and notice how you're feeling. We wanna be in a goodstate of mind when we're doing that sales work. And this reminds me of one of ourTuesday tips from a prior episode where I talked about priming.

If you need a list of suggestions, Because really, you know, that you're worried aboutbeing perceived as too pushy or too intrusive, or you have some negative associationswith selling. Don't forget to email support, extra bold SU P P O RT support,extra bold I'd love to give you my client generated.

List of all of the wonderful things that sales is for people, what sales means to people. It'sa great list that you can use for your priming to get in a good state of mind to do youroutreach. Now I'm gonna talk about the second foundation. Okay. The second foundationthat, um, maybe what, what would this be called?

I don't know enough about construction. Maybe it's called the subfloor.  the subfloor isgoing to. Personal responsibility, taking personal responsibility for your day, takingpersonal responsibility for how you feel, how you interpret your emotions, how you notice,how you're doing. Taking responsibility for your preparation, for the research, for your callfor showing up on time for running your schedule in a responsible way for taking care ofyour body so that you get enough rest and you eat well enough that you don't feel terribleand, and show up with no energy later in the day for your, for your prospects.

People think so many of their problems are about lack of sales tools. But really a lot oftheir challenges are actually about what they believe is possible. What they're believingabout sales and it's about deflecting responsibility to other people. Well, I don't have thislist or this invitation isn't ready for marketing or, or, you know, X, Y, Z happened to me ifyou knew my story growing up, Hey, they're people who have really hard stuff, reallydifficult stuff that they've had to come out of.

And some people don't have good support inside their companies. I know. But what youcan control is you and taking responsibility for doing the revenue, generating activitiesand being organized and creating goals that is in your abilities. That's in your abilities. Ilove to help people think through these things.

If you're interested in doing that in community with other people, please join my come andgo coaching it's called come and go because you just pay a month at a time and you do itfor as long as it makes sense. Love to have you visit that. If that sounds interesting to you,some of these concepts are also in my book, how good humans sell.

So don't forget to check out a lot of resources that are, you can find. When you follow meonline and don't forget that awesome priming sheet, which you can get at support, Also talk to you soon.